Policy and Regulatory Solutions, State Attorneys General, National State and Local Government.
In baseball they refer to a player that excels in all aspects of the game as a “five-tool” player. A five-tool baseball player can run, field, throw, hit for power and hit for average. They are rare and therefore much coveted. When it comes to interactions with the government, Tully Bailey is a five-tool player.
Tully Bailey, LLP has extensive experience litigating against and for the government on constitutional, contractual, regulatory, election and tort claims. (See our Government Litigation Investigation Services.)
Tully Bailey has direct and significant government experience.
Mike Bailey served as the Unites States Attorney for Arizona, the highest-ranking federal law enforcement official in the state. In his role as United States Attorney, Mike was ultimately in charge of federal enforcement actions in the state. Prior to that he served five years as Chief Deputy to the Arizona Attorney General. The Chief Deputy is the highest-ranking officer in the Arizona Attorney General’s office after the Attorney General and responsible for overseeing the management of the entire office. Mike has served as a member of a regulatory agency as a Member of the Arizona State Board for Charter Schools. And Mike currently serves as the General Counsel for the Arizona Chamber of Commerce and Industry where he is intimately involved with the legislative and regulatory concerns of its membership.
Steve Tully served in the Arizona House of Representatives for 6 years rising to the position of Majority Leader. While in office he served as chairmen of both the Judiciary Committee and the Ethics Committee. He has served as a precinct committeeman, state Committeeman, and legislative district chairmen. He has been an alternate delegate to two national conventions. Mr. Tully has run an independent expenditure campaign. Mr. Tully has served on multiple governmental committees over the years, starting before his government service. He understands the legislative process, the political process, and its possibilities.
Often a problem must be resolved through litigation, but sometimes it can be resolved with a phone call to or a meeting with the correct person. Sometimes resolution might involve a change in legislation or a regulatory change. In Arizona legislative change can come through a legislative body or by an initiative. Tully Bailey, LLP has extensive direct experience with all the levers of government and can assist you and your team in exploring all the options and creating the best strategy for resolving your issue.

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